Thursday, March 26, 2009

remove rhapsody

apt-get remove rhapsody-installer
apt-get remove libossoemailsmime
dpkg -l | grep mail will get you the list of package names containing "mail"

But take care:
apt-get remove libosso-email-interface
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
The following packages will be REMOVED:
camera-test chavo eds-sync libcomapp0 libosso-email-interface microphone-test multimedia-applications
osso-addressbook osso-af osso-bookmark-ui osso-browser osso-calculator osso-calculator-ui osso-chess-ui
osso-contact-plugin osso-filemanager osso-filemanager-ui osso-global-search osso-imageviewer
osso-mission-control osso-notes osso-pdf-viewer osso-sketch tablet-browser-default-plugin tablet-browser-ui

Funny if you uninstall email, you have to uninstall the chess game!

Like wintendo when you want to remove internet explorer

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Thanks for putting this up. But can you tell me please, how do you remove the blocks game app?
