(Scroll to the bottom of the page)
After you've downloaded the Update Wizard file (it ends with .exe), double click on it to install it, and follow all the instructions.
2. At this point, make sure your N800 or N810 is fully charged. Even if the battery logo looks full on the desktop, it may not actually be full. Plug the charger into tablet, and it should tell you when it really is full.
3. Try and find the USB cable that came with your tablet (specifically, a miniUSB cable with the N800, a microUSB cable with the N810). Make sure your tablet is switched off, and connect it to your PC using the USB cable.
4. Start the Update Wizard on your PC, but don't do anything with it.
5. Press and hold the bottom button on the front of the N800, or the top button on the front of the N810. (See the appropriate video above if you're unsure which button to press.) While holding the correct button down, turn on the tablet with the power switch on the top. This will put the tablet into update mode, and if you do it correctly it will stop on the Nokia logo with a black USB logo in the top right hand corner of the screen. You can let go of both buttons now.
6. On the Update Wizard on your PC, you should see the Wizard's welcome message. Press the Next button to go to the warning page. Then press the Next button to go to an instruction page, and it should show that it's found your device at the bottom of the screen. Press Next.
7. The Update Wizard should now tell you two pieces of information: what firmware version you have on your tablet, and what the latest official version is. If the versions are the same, you probably don't need to update at all and can press Cancel. If the versions are different, click on Next to continue with the update. (If you get error messages instead of firmware versions, try pressing Back and then Next again, and if it still doesn't work try doing it again a few hours later.)
8. Click on I Accept The Agreement and Next.
9. The update will now start, and should be completely automatic from now on. You probably won't need to do anything more. The Wizard will first of all download the firmware (which can take a long time depending on the speed of your home internet connection), then it install it on your tablet (which happens very quickly). If you see an error message during the download process such as "File Corrupted", press Back and then Next. If you see "File Corrupted" several times in a row, this may indicate that Nokia's servers which provide the firmware aren't working at the moment, and you should try again in a few hours time.
10. After the tablet's firmware has been updated, it will automatically start up with the new firmware version, and you can unplug it when this happens.
11. When the tablet starts up for the first time with the new firmware, if you have made a backup of your settings and data it will ask you if you want to restore this backup. This should work fine, unless you're upgrading from OS 2007 to OS 2008 in which case say no. For some reason many people upgrading from OS 2007 to OS 2008 have experienced problems using restored settings.
12. When the tablet starts with new firmware, it may also ask you if you want to automatically reinstall the extra applications you had installed before the update. As noted above, this may or may not work, and if it doesn't you can reinstall the apps yourself one by one.
AUTHENTICATION/CLOCK ERROR NOTE: If you get a mysterious error message while using the wizard which talks about authentication and adjusting a clock, don't worry, you don't have to adjust any clocks. Try pressing the "back" button on the Update Wizard and then the "next" button.
N800刷机方法/中文显示, 专给新手看
N800刷机方法/中文显示, 专给新手看
一是安装CJK Support:(这个方法不太好,建议直接看方法二)
用N800上网,点击这个网址,会看到大名鼎鼎的maemo的CJK安装界面,然后点那上“汉”的图标,系统会提示你"open"还是"save",选Open就是了,系统会下载,安装... 和PC差不多。
如果安装失败了,检查你的系统版本。点四个块的图标,setting-->control panel-->about product, 看一下Internet Table OS和版本号,一般应该是 2007。再切换到CJK support的网页,看左上角,有不同的版本支持,选择你自己的版本,再安装。(我第一次安装时就以为版本越高越好,狂装OS2008的汉化就是装不 上,汗~)
我们知道N800不 是个电话,基本上算是手持电脑。(开始不知道还打算狂装我那一堆的S60软件的,汗~)它的系统是以Linux为核心的。默认情况下,应该是 OS2007,这个版本是不支持中文显示的。08年初的时候NOKIA发布了OS2008,代号Diablo,所以有人老说刷成Diablo,是一码事。 (之所以要说明一下是因为我当时被别人策晕了)OS2008经过半年的修正,我昨天升级的,现在已经是VERSION 4.2008.23-14版了,升级了你就知道,比原来的版本漂亮太多了。
其实在网上能搜到刷机的贴,但我发现都说的不太详细或者不太清楚,(就是那一点点不清楚害死人了~) 所以根据我刷机的过程整理了这个贴,希望对新手们有帮助。嗯,说正事,开始刷机!
● 首先在你的电脑上(WINDOWS系统)安装刷新软件Nokia N800 Internet Tablet support。
● 安装好软件之后,打开它。点两次NEXT,按照提示你应该能看到,这段英语我这么烂的水平都能看懂你一定也能
如果你知道swap键是哪个就跳过这句:可怜我当时愣是不知道swap键是哪个,发现开关旁边那个+和-之间有一个键,上面有两个方框做切换状很符合 swap的意思,就按住它狂开机~~我汗啊~~ 后来发现连不上,就去网上查swap键倒底是哪个~ 可是,百度和google竟然都没查到~ 忘说了,我没说明书,而且我一向觉得电子产品不需要说明书,摸一摸就能上手的~~ 说到底,哪个是swap键呢? 就是前面板最下面的那个,小房子图标的键。
● 好,你的机器应该连上USB了,因为N800的右上角有了那个USB图标,软件界面上也会提示出你的设备型号是N800,当然你如果是N810应该显示N810这是废话。点下一步,系统提示你将从原来的旧版(from)更新到最新版(lastet),当然你可以点change来选择不是最新版 (比如从最新版变成06版~有点怪啊),点NEXT开始刷机,如下图。
● 这时候界面会提示你正在下载相关的升级包,下载完后会执行升级,大约100多M,升级时间取决于你的网速。通常二十多分钟差不多可以搞定了,升级之后系统 会提示你was successfully updated,然后断开USB连线,点finish,系统重启。刷机成功,是不是发现界面漂亮了很多?上网,中文也可以显示了,卡里的中文文件名也能看 到了~~搞定。
● 特殊情况:中途不要断网(没事别去乱按modal电源或者拨网线什么的),如果不慎断网,(我就在99%地断了网,我的无线网线太烂了)系统会提示你 Retry,当我去Retry的时候,惊恐的发现,不支持断点继续~~ 于是又从1%开始了饿地神哪~ 到99%的时候我的无线网又失去连接了崩溃~
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